Hyphenation in CSS

Published: 11 February 2024

Today I learned...

So I’ve recently been reading Practical Typography by Matthew Butterick, and I’ve been reading it on my phone (so with a fairly small viewport). As I’ve been reading, one of the things that I noticed (aside from the generous margins) was the hyphenation. Hyphenation on the web felt new to me - more like reading a book than reading on my phone. I liked it.

As it turns out, CSS actually has the capacity to automate hyphenation. It’s as simple as hyphens: auto; (although you need to have specified the language using the HTML lang attribute first). If you only want certain words to be hyphenated, you can use the value manual and insert the html escape code ­ (soft hyphen) into the relevant words. While there are some other nifty properties like hyphenate-limit-chars they don’t have full browser support yet, so they might not be worth the effort. The other catch I found was that it doesn’t take effect for capitalised words, which is a real bummer in the context of headings.

Aside from the above caveats, it seems to work well enough. But then again, my wife Melissa, who is a graphic designer and an avid reader, says she prefers ragged edges over having words broken apart. She may yet change my mind…

I have it enabled on my website for now at least 🙂

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